my little corner of the web

my name is lacey. this site is a personal project, just for the fun of making it. someday i'll make some kind of content to put on here.
more about me if you're interested.

quick facts:
  • i taught myself html/css working on my tumblr theme
  • i've been trying to learn to draw in my free time
  • i consider myself an anarchist 🏴Ⓐ
  • i'm a fan of fighting games, especially guilty gear
  • spring is my favorite season
  • winter is my least favorite season
  • i like vampires and zombie girls
  • i think rainy days are cozy sometimes

latest blogposts

Let's Plays Over the Years -- 23 Dec 2023
Some site updates -- 20 Oct 2023
Added Albums page -- 20 Aug 2023
[view all blogposts]